Oceanic Manta Rays
In the summer of 2019 a trial study of oceanic Manta rays was undertaken in New Zealand by a collaboration between researchers from the Tindale Marine Research Charitable Trust, Conservation International and the NZ Department of Conservation. The aim was to track the movements of these large ocean wanderers using state of the art satellite [...]Devil Rays
Duffy & Tindale 2018 First observation of the courtship behaviour of Mobula mobular
Mako shark satellite tagging in NZ
Click here to read the research paper findings Francis Tindale Mako movement paper 2018 oceanic nomad or coastal resident
Museum Fish Collections
Natural history museums (e.g. Te Papa, Auckland Museum, Canterbury Museum, Otago Museum, NIWA’s marine invertebrate collection) generally collect and preserve specimens of plants and animals to provide a physical record of life on earth.
Great White Shark Sightings
This project aims to build and share information on the distribution, habitat use and movements of great white sharks (white pointers, white sharks, mango taniwha, mango tuatini, ururoa) in New Zealand waters.
Note: Photo of shark specimen at the Auckland Museum
Fish ID Guide
This guide to identification of New Zealand fishes is intended for field use by non-specialists − fishers, fisheries observers, and others. Technical terms are kept to a minimum, and identification features are mostly those that can be readily observed on freshly caught specimens without dissection or microscopic examination.
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